Thursday, January 27, 2011

"I Cancan!"

"I Cancan!"
This post is devoted to the one and only Cannon Ty, so if you would rather not read about one of the funniest, cutest and lovable 2 1/2 yr old (almost 3) around you may want to pass.

I am writing this post about Cannon Ty because he is starting a new adventure on next Tuesday and I am rather sad about it. Cannon will be starting preschool at First United Methodist and he will be attending the 3 day program.
Chief has really been pushing me to enroll him in the fall because we know he really needs it ( he strongly dislikes being separated from us). And, he is THE definition of the strong willed child-to the T.
Thank you James Dobson for helping me come to terms with that!HA! I promise it did not take much! When I called to ask about Fall Registration I went into detail about Cannon and why we were wanting to enroll him and how I stayed at home and etc...She then said well we just found out we have a student moving and we will conduct "interviews next week for the spot" First, what an interview? Secondly she goes on to say the class for next year is full but if he were to get this spot he would be basically grandfathered in next year. What, holy smokes are you kidding me???
I called Chief right away and he said , "Torri you have to do it and get over it!" Thanks Coach that's just what I needed!
So, Mr. Cannon Ty will leave me next week for 3 days a week to go learn in an awesome Christian environment, make new friends and develop an education foundation.
I am struggling as you can tell but I know it will be amazing for him and mommy will be okay! I just also feel like oh I am a stay at home mom and sending my child off...but Chief says it is in your head and you need it and he needs it!
It will probably take me a while to get over it so next week please say a prayer for Cannon Ty (he does not do well with separation) and Mommy!

So, what has Cannon Ty been up to these days:
He has hidden Chief's keys to every gate, bus, door and building in the Bryant School District. (Please don't tell yet, we are looking daily)
He calls himself "CanCan"
He asks me everyday for a iPhone-and he says pretty please
The other night while in the tub I was listening to him talk while putting up stuff in the linen closet-he was playing with 2 pirates and he told one to wait his turn or he (the other pirate) would kick him in his balls. lovely.(thanks big bro and friends)
He can't wait for football season to start back-he wants to "pass a touchdown"
He calls Chief "Coach" almost daily
He LOVES my sewing machine and tells me it goes "real fast" and trust me he has tested it out!
Everyday when we go to pick up KK he tells me to "slow down der kids"
He LOVES KK's girlfriend-he will tell us "that's CanCan dirlfriend not KK, Camille my dirlfriend!"
I could go on and on but I know its time to stop! ha! Here a few pictures of my sweet little angel of a strong willed child! I love you CanCan! Gosh, mommy is going to miss your sweet little cheeks and you running your monster trucks downs my arms next week!

P.S. The first picture is of KK and his "dirlfiend," look who squeezed in the middle!

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