Saturday, January 22, 2011

January Smanuary...

Oh my... where have we been?
Going crazy???? That what I feel like I have been doing since we got home from visiting everyone at Christmas time!
I have to upload all of our snow pictures from our big snow we had the week after Chief and KK went back to school. It was beautiful and so much fun! We were able to take the boys up the baseball field and sled down the big hill (Chief and I went sleddingg too)! I forgot how much fun it is to sled and race each other but oh my I was so sore the next day...I guess from climbing back up the big hill and my big fall!
Channa... this is for you! I was laughing at Elliot falling down the hill and there I go to the ground with sweet pea in my arms. I kept her from hitting the ground but boy did I fall hard and I could not stop laughing either could Chief. To tell the truth we had to leave right after that because I almost pottied in my pants from laughing so hard (and fyi-after 3 children your bladdder does not hold like it use to).
Cannon Ty is starting a new adventure in a week and I plan to update all about Mr. Cannon Ty this week! Sis is getting so big and getting up on all fours about to take off! KK made Honor Roll and is deep in basketball season! Chief is trying to get through wrestling season and I am sewing like a mad women lately and trying to motivate myself to start running!
Here are a few pictures from Christmas (yes, I know that was like a month ago)...And, our beach picture (minus Sis-well she is there but you know what i mean) long story but we just got them due to them being shipped to someone else and then tracking them down!)
Also, a picture for Nana of her "bama babies!"

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