Monday, August 29, 2011

Sweet Girl is ONE!!!!

Okay, so I have put this post on hold as long as I could almost like she wouldn't turn 13 months if I did not do it! Ha!

We only have two more weeks as a 12 month old and it truly makes me oh so sad that our baby girl is already one. This has been the hardest first birthday out of all three kiddos and this momma is still soaking in it.

We didn't do a big party but opted for just family at her one year birthday and I also decided to spend the money on pictures instead of going crazy stupid ( hopes this doesn't offend anyone sorry) on spending for a blow out 1st birthday party! I have a wonderful dear precious friend from high school who is an amazing photographer and I mean amazing... Here is a sneak peak...


I am in love with them and should be receiving the rest this week... I can not wait!!! Heather was beyond wonderful and she also has amazing prices and I mean great prices ( y'all know I am super cheap and budget conscience! )

We have lots of " names" for Camdyn as : chatty Kathy, little momma, sweet girl, nosey rosie, CE, Cammie, wild woman( Cannon's), sissy, sister and baby girl!

She loves to climb and I am meaning like shelves, the pantry and chairs!! Lord help me! She loves to attack the boys and she screetches when she pulls Cannon 's hair!

Her love for Mickey Mouse runs deep... Already! She loves to dance ( hot dog dance) and do her gymnastics moves on the rug! Her hand stand with one leg up kills us all the time and boy she loves to clap for herself after her show!

She is such a little chatty Kathy.. Momma, bubba, dadda, yum yum, bye bye, ball, room room ( for a match box car) and dink.

She pushes her baby dolls around all day or she puts them in her grocery buggy and bosses them! CE also loves to play with Cannon' cars and his animals!

We spent her actually birthday morning going to the donut shop and at Chief's football practice! She loves being a practice and she will run right at the boys or across the field! Lovely! Here she is...

My parents ordered a special cake just for her while we were visiting...

Do you think she enjoyed it?? After she finished and we put her in the bath we found out she is allergic to dye ( still unsure which one exactly) she had hives covering her where the icing had been. Poor baby!

CE also took part in a formula study with our Ped clinic so we didn't switch to whole milk until she officially turned one. It was a great experience and here is Camdyn with our sweet nurse Lori.

We were able to easily make the switch with the milk and we had changed her to a silly cup only a few weeks before. We still have a paci...but our precious Dr Weed said by two... We are working!

CE sleeps ... Oh my she loves sleep! She goes down between 8-8:30 and sleeps until 7 am. Before last week she still took 3, yes 3, naps daily. She would usually sleep for at least an hour and 1/2 or two hours! We are transitioning to one nap during the day due to her being moved up at preschool to the toddler class!
Which I am also not ready to talk about yet, Toddler class? Sad day!

Camdyn Elliot,
Gosh, we love you sister! Daddy and I could not imagine our life without you, you are sooo much fun and funny! Your personality is so big and we can't wait to see how the Lord uses it throughout your life... It is going to be amazing! You have brought so much happiness and joy to our family and the boys love you to pieces!
God has blessed us with you sweet girl and I adore each little bit of you.. Seriously I could eat you up! Some days I think forward to our relationship as you grow and I pray it is an awesome mom/daughter bond, you smile with your eyes and I can just see the fun and happiness you will have!
I love you little momma!

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