Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Buck Teeth

The poor title of this post...the only thing I have to say is,"God love my brother inlaw." For the ones who know my brother in law Ross, you all know he is CRAZY funny!!

We had pictures taken in November for Elliot's Dads side of the family and my itty bitties learned a new phrase from their uncle... Buck Teeth. I can not tell you why he thought them this or how it came up but we spent the next few days, no I take that back more like weeks trying to phase out that term. KK and Cannon thought it was hilarious and they were saying in not appropriate Awana's
and at school. Cannon even asked Ole St Nick if he knew what Buck Teeth were and he asked if any of the Shepard's that meet baby Jesus had buck teeth. Oh Ross, just wait until you have kids!!

Oh and he taught my precious ones to say, "Lets bounce," when it's time to leave.
Yay, so "let's bounce!"


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