Friday, September 11, 2009


The first thing I need to say is if you get offended easily you may not want to read further....
Today, is a very important day to our nation. I can still remember exactly where I was standing in my dorm room at college when I saw the first plane hit the first tower and how Elliot's voice sounded when he told me in front of the library that his uncle was on one of the planes that crashed that day. He was a hero on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania, he was one of the heroic men that attempted to regain control of the plane. So, we always have this tie to this day and I usually do cry every time someone speaks of this day. I did not know his uncle due to a divorce in the family I actually had not met him, but the our land was completely rocked that day and other humans jerked the rug from under our feet.
Most of you may know that Elliot and I our major republicans I mean as conservative as you can get. The political world has really caused us stress in the past year and we continue to pray that everyone will value "in God we trust." But, I often do not even comment on our President-I try to remain respectful even at times very hard-this morning while Cannon Ty and I were home I turned on the tv and saw the picture above. I began weeping so hard that I had to cover my face-this picture brought pain and aspect that I have yet to see from this man above. This picture captured some meaning for me and some new found respect. I have to admit I have not too much respect for this person but I will continue to pray everyday that he leads our country with "our" (Americans) best interest at heart.
I am so thankful to be an American and I thank daily the men and women who serve our country and who begin serving our country in the future. Each time I think of the selflessness it takes to join the armed services it brings tears to my eyes-I am so thankful.
So, as this 9-11 passes I feel that I let go of some bitterness towards Obama and I will look forward and be more positive. (Now, I didn't say I liked him or anything like that... sorry I had to add my humor.)
Thank you and we will always remember...


  1. I love your honesty... Also, I cannot believe how the kiddo's have grown! I always thought I'd say this, but I feel like I'm really old now... Any way, you all seem to be doing awesome and look so happy! Tell E I said hello... -Justin

  2. I am so sorry to hear that a loved one was on board one of those flights that day. I can not fathom what must have been going on that plane and the feelings.

    We share a love for this country and for someone to lead us in the right direction and while I do not like our current president, I pray for Him. I pray His heart would be changed on abortion. I pray that this country would care less about a tree and care more about saving a beating heart, a soul that matters.

    Thanks for sharing your heart. We remember.
