Sunday, September 27, 2009

Can I get a whoo hoooo?

Whoooo hooooo!!!! Oh, my this week has been something else so I decided I really needed to recap.

Right now we find ourselves in the beginning of football season (conference play has just began) and smack in the middle of fall baseball and dance team competition season. This weekend my parents came to help with the kids since we were literally running from fall fest parade, running Saturday errands, dance team practice, golf tournament, makeup baseball games and finally hitting the couch! Man, that was a huge run on sentence sorry all you grammatically correct people!

This week Cannon started a new sitter Mrs. Ashley, our old sitter Carla unexpectedly moved to Branson (her husband got a promotion). At first we were told she would be here till November but last week at work I got a call on Thursday about 2:00 from Carla(I get off at 3:00 ) telling me that, that day would be her last day. So, I have a great friend who stays home with her children and she was interested in keeping one or two kids so we are so blessed to have her. Cannon had a great week also-it was just really different because Elliot is now taking Cannon every morning because Ashley lives right by the school. This change in routine actually made me and Caleb run late every morning??? who knows why?

All week long we never were in bed by 11:00, for any of you that know us well this is crazy we are in bed normally at 8:30 and it was my Friday to work...awful. And I had to plan, paint signs and decorate a float on Friday for fall fest Saturday morning. Great job to those who helped and a huge THANK YOU for the person who was SUPPOSED to be the chairman for the fall fest float-that last part was a little smarty pants-irresponsible people really bother me.

Let me know tell how our Friday ended.... WE WON WE BEAT CATHOLIC!!

Our boys were not predicted to win this week... Hooten's was predicting a 13 to 16 point spread well guess what HOOTENS it was the other way around!!!! Those HOOTENS people really need some new employees!!! This win was really bitter sweet! Even little Cannon Ty was yelling, "Go, Go , Go to Rycroft (the best running back in the state I might add)

Elliot's high school coach is the head coach at Catholic now so we were also able to see some great friends also. We were able to go to dinner before the rival started it was nice-4th quarter though I had to head to the sideline couldn't take it anymore!

Needless to say my husband is one happy man this weekend! After all the craziness yesterday my parents headed home and I headed to pick up a pizza and we watched the Iowa /Penn State game and were in bed by 8:45. Everyone at our house slept till 9:00 am and we are still in our pj's except for Elliot-THEY GOT THE DAY OFF WHOO OHOOOOO-so he is mowing the yard!

By the way the new DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES starts tonight- I think Elliot is more pumped than me!!! Don't tell guys!!


  1. Congratulations!! You sure do sound super busy, I hope it all calms down for you a little bit :)

    P.S. I can't wait for the DH premier either!

  2. Congratulations!! I know what you mean on those late nights. I keep trying so hard to keep a schedule - but it is usually thrown out the window after only a couple of days. I'm so glad the girls are getting older so if a nap is missed or bed time is pushed back here or there it isn't so bad - the world doesn't end anyway!! :)

  3. Way to go on the win!! Go Hornets!! I would love to know what it is like to be in bed and asleep by 9:00!! Last week I don't know that I made it to bed before 3! HA HA
    I have been thinking about y'all alot lately!
    Hope everything is going great!!
